Danil Mikhailov, head instructor of the FWC Muswell Hill Club in North London, has just been elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. The title of RGS Fellow is reserved for people who make a contribution to the shared body of knowledge about the world, whether through scientific study, cultural research or exploration. Famous past Fellows included everyone from Livingstone and Shackleton, to Sir Edmund Hillary, while present Fellows include Sir David Attenborough.
Danil signs his book “”The History and Philosophy of Kung Fu: An Introduction”
Danil’s Fellowship was awarded in recognition of his work in researching and writing about the culture of Chinese traditional kung fu. Danil has been one of the editors of Wushu Scholar Magazine for nearly fifteen years, travelling around China with Dennis, Sharon and the rest of the Wushu Scholar team to interview masters of rare kung fu styles.
In addition to that, Danil has studied and written about the philosophical aspects of Chinese kung fu, building on his MA research at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.
In 2012 Danil published his first book, “The History and Philosophy of Kung Fu: an Introduction”, to great reviews, and is currently planning his next book, about the connections between ancient Shamanic practices and kung fu.
You can join Danil for his next lecture on the topic of “Morality and Kung Fu” at Claremont Hall in Angel on the 29th of March.