This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series FWC Aswan Training 2015

Saw the sunrise yesterday so lie in until nearly 7.  Into my own clothes (Phew! They still fit) and ready for footwear other than walking boots.  Ahh, my lovely Crocs, bought in Singapore on a memorable trip Read More

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series FWC Aswan Training 2015

Up extra early to catch the pre-dawn and sunrise.  Stretching, throwing, working it.

As we finish  breakfast we dock next to the temple at Kom Ombo.  This is a split temple where two triads of gods can be worshipped together. Read More

This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series FWC Aswan Training 2015

Wake up…”Where am I? Oh still in paradise”.  The water is so still that it looks like oil.  Warm-up and patterns.

After breakfast we moor up next to Gebel-el-Silsila.  Two cultures for the price of one.  This place has both temples and the quarries which were used to provide the stones for other temples . Read More

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series FWC Aswan Training 2015

Wake up in paradise, drifting slowly along a never-changing landscape of palm trees, birds, and green rushes. Up on top deck for pre-breakfast warm-up before the sun gets too warm.  Have left Isna en route to Idfu.

Bear-walk, cup-of-tea throwing, thrust and break  Just things you can practise in your own room at home, or alternatively in sheer luxury whilst waiting to be called to breakfast. Read More

This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series FWC Aswan Training 2015

So it’s time for another training trip!  This time to Aswan in southern Egypt.  Familiar scenario of turning up at airport blah blah.  Overnight flights from Heathrow to Aswan via Cairo.  No sleep to be had.  Arrive at Aswan in the morning light.  Here for the culture, to see the Pharaohs and meet the Nubians, plus the training in the warmth at the end of an Egyptian summer. Read More

This entry is part 3 of 2 in the series Red Sea Instructors 2015

And now it is FWC Cambridge and London North West Instructor, Karim Daoud’s turn to tell you what it was like for him….

“Five and a half hours!  An instructor is not meant to sit for five and a half hours. It should be made law that any flight that is over two hours should come with a good Kung Fu film! Read More

Are you breathing?  Is your heart beating? That’s all you need to start training.

We teach the Classical Chinese Martial Arts of White Crane Kung Fu and Suang Yang Tai Chi.

They come to you in the hands of modern-day teachers, scholars, leaders, mentors – we call them instructors.

Come and find us.  We’ll be here – still training, still breathing, our hearts beating.