Sleep train eat train swim eat sleep swim train eat sleep…
Read MoreRemember the maths problem on the M25? Well this is a bit like a cross between mental maths and incarceration…
Read MoreAt the risk of ridicule, I freely admit that the sun is not exactly shining…
Read MoreLike a well-oiled machine all turn up at the airport on time – apart from those using the cranky M25. You have a choice on the M25: clockwise or anti-clockwise….but whether your choice makes any difference is another matter. Little did we know this was just the first of our travel problems we were due to encounter..
Read MoreOn 16 July we will be assembling once again at Gatwick at some unearthly hour of the day, to check in for our flight to Chania, Crete. Whilst there we are hoping to meet an FWC student from the old days at University College London, Professor Manolis Stefanakis. Last year we raised funds for two aspects of Professor Stefanakis’ work at the University of the Aegean on Rhodes.
Read MoreIn November 2012 FWC travelled to the Sahara Desert. You can now relive our exploits in movie format!
Read MoreOn the 24th of November members and friends of friends from across all the FWC clubs came together to celebrate the launch of Instructor Danil Mikhailov’s first book, “The History and Philosophy of Kung Fu: An Introduction”.
Read MoreOctober has seen the publication of “The History and Philosophy of Kung Fu: An Introduction”, the first book by Danil Mikhailov, instructor of the FWC Muswell Hill Club.
Read MoreI’m sure you all followed FWC’s recent exploits in the Sahara Desert. If not then perhaps our photos from the trip will whet your appetite!
Read MoreSo here we are heading back to Cairo. What I love about going to the Sahara is that you have to plan in advance but once there you have to live in the present.
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